Brasserie de la Mousserie
10HL Automated Brewery Project
Start Date:

Project Description:
Navigating the complexities of the COVID-19 era presented formidable obstacles, rendering on-site installation and commissioning by ZYB Craft technicians nearly impossible. Despite these challenges, the dedicated team at Brasserie de la Mousserie admirably undertook much of the installation themselves. However, upon commencing official tests in 2023, several technical issues emerged, necessitating intervention to ensure optimal brewing conditions. Leveraging our most skilled technicians, we promptly addressed and resolved these challenges, ensuring the brewery's seamless operation. Today, we take pride in witnessing the fruition of our collaborative efforts and witnessing the smooth operation of the brewery. We extend our sincerest wishes for the Brasserie de la Mousserie team's prosperity in their brewing endeavors, reassured that we remain steadfast in our commitment to providing ongoing technical support. For those considering similar ventures in France or neighboring countries, we invite you to visit Brasserie de la Mousserie and witness firsthand the efficacy of our solutions. Moreover, whether seeking tailored brewery solutions or simply wishing to exchange knowledge, we encourage you to reach out to us. Together, let us raise our glasses to a future of innovation and success. Cheers
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